I wrote this right after Josh was born as a way of describing new motherhood to a friend. What wonderful memories it brings of falling in love with my now 4 year old boy! Happy Mother's Day, all!
Before Becoming a Mother, I Never Knew--
...that it could take until noon to find time to eat breakfast.
...that I could simultaneously operate a double breast pump, rock a baby to sleep, and do my taxes.
...that the fact that my son is mesmerized by the lines on my headboard is NO indication of his intelligence.
...that there comes a point when you just don't care how many "lactation consultants" squeeze your boobs.
...that being vomited on at 2am is just not as much fun as it was at age 21.
...that baby boys actually take great delight in urinating all over their mother.
...that an 8 pound human would necessitate a continuous stream of laundry.
...that a solo trip to the bank or post office could feel like a vacation.
...that my heart would swell, Grinch-style every time he smiles at me.
...that I would be secretly pleased when only Mommy can stop him from crying.
...that sometimes I would look at him and burst into tears because I am so lucky.
...that feeling your baby roll and flutter inside of you is an indescribable joy.
...that seeing your husband hold your baby would make you fall in love with him all over again.
...that our parents have waited their whole lives for this.
...that true contentment is an infant nuzzled against your chest.
...that I would thank God every night.
...the wonderful feeling of tiny fingers grasping mine.
...that I really would love him more each day.
...that hearing him laugh and watching him learn would be the greatest moments of my life.
I agree with it all. Love this :)