Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moving Right Along

Partly because of the weather (our arrival was met with a 40 degree drop in temperature accompanied by continuous wind and rain...) & partly because of our need for proximity to the hotel (for both bathroom and meltdown reasons), we have yet to venture off the island here in Guangzhou. We've spent today and yesterday poking around town --there are several souvenir-type shops around the hotel and the hotel itself if like a little city. We've spent a lot of time at the deli/bakery right next to the hotel. They have something for everyone: Pastries for me, noodles for Eric and also Yaojie's favorite meal, which is food in mass quantities. We sit and eat, watching other families come and go. It seems that this part of Guangzhou is a lovely little town, but right now almost all of the roads in town are completely torn apart due to construction. And I do mean completely apart!! Danger awaits at every turn as we stroll along the streets, at times teetering on makeshift ramps with the stroller-- jackhammers pounding on either side. Luckily, growing up in Pittsburgh prepared me for not only the weather, but also the nonstop construction. We even saw a group of construction workers under a tarp playing cards and eating noodles on the job --Chinese PennDot? (that one was for my Pittsburgh friends) :) We have been doing a lot of shopping --souvenirish stuff as well as finer things to share with Yaojie over the years. Yesterday, our Consolate appointment went well (we didn't have to go) and today we go to take the oath. We are going to try to get Yaojie to take an oath as well while we are there... ;) Our time in China is winding down --tomorrow is our last full day, but we are all ready to go home, having many fond memories of China to look back on.

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